The Theory of Island Biogeography by MacArthur and Wilson (1967) is one of the most influential and successful theories in ecology, a rich source of inspiration for new research and ideas since it was first suggested. MacArthur and Wilson originally proposed that the number of species in an island is determined by the size of the island and its distance from the mainland. These factors result in a dynamic equilibrium between colonization from the mainland and extinction of species once they arrive on the island. The theory initially presented by MacArthur and Wilson was called ETIB (Simberloff 1974). Wilson and Simberloff’s (1969) study of the experimental defaunation of mangrove islands in the Florida Keys was the first validation of the theory, which explicitly emphasizes its dynamic aspects, and it showed how different mangrove islands reached an equilibrium with a species richness equivalent to the number of species present before the experimental defaunation.
The classical representation of the Theory of Island Biogeography. Islands further from the mainland receive less species than closer ones, and there are more extinctions on small islands than on the large ones. The number of species at equilibrium corresponds to the point where colonization equals extinction.
The package island
follows the stochastic implementation
of Simberloff’s model (1969) developed by Alonso et al. (2015),
that uses a likelihood approach to estimate colonization and extinction
rates for communities that have been repeatedly sampled through
This package allows:
1. Estimating colonization and extinction rates with regular and
irregular sampling schemes, for whole communities or groups within those
communities, taking into account or not imperfect detectability.
2. Converting those rates into transition probabilities.
3. Performing Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) -based model
4. Estimating the influence of environmental variables on colonization
and extinction dynamics.
5. Simulating the dynamics of the Equilibrium Theory of Island
Biogeography, as well as three other population models.
6. Evaluating model error and R².
In order to estimate colonization and extinction rates with package
, we need a dataframe of repeatedly sampled
communities, organised in time and with at least one species (or the
relevant taxonomic unit for our analysis). In this package we adopt the
convention of indicating sampling times in columns and species in rows
of the dataframe. As an example, take a look at the dataframe
, that uses a regular sampling scheme for 4
years (2000 to 2003).
Species | Trophic.Level | Kd.2000 | Kd.2001 | Kd.2002 | Kd.2003 | Kd.2010 | Kd.2011 | Guild |
Acanthurus auranticavus | NA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus leucosternon | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus lineatus | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus nigrofuscus | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus triostegus | 2,78 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus xanthopterus | 2,87 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
In the case of irregular sampling schemes, we adopt a convention of
recording subsequent time intervals in the column header. For example,
if our sampling started on day 17, and the next sample was taken 20 days
after, that is, on day 37, the column heads for those samples should
read 17 and 37. These conventions have been followed in
, extracted here:
Taxa | PRE | 31 | 51 | 69 | 258 | 276 | 295 | 371 | Tax. Unit 1 | Tax. Unit 2 | Genera | Island |
Gen. Sp. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Embioptera | Teratembiidae | Unknown | E2 |
Aglaopteryx sp. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Orthoptera | Blattidae | Aglaopteryx | E2 |
Latiblattella n. sp. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Orthoptera | Blattidae | Latiblattella | E2 |
Latiblattella rehni | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Orthoptera | Blattidae | Latiblattella | E2 |
Cycloptilum sp. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Orthoptera | Gryllidae | Cycloptilum | E2 |
Cyrtoxipha sp. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Orthoptera | Gryllidae | Cyrtoxipha | E2 |
In both examples, we can see that we have columns for the taxa (or
species) studied, some columns with additional information (such as
Guild or Taxonomic Unit considered), and consecutive columns with data
on presence (1) or absence (0).
Studying ecological communities can be messy. Temporal studies that
track changes over many sites may often result in sampling schemes that
are irregular both in time and space. In cases where we have different
sampling schemes in our data, we require the different sampling schemes
to be treated as different dataframes inside a list. An example would be
the data set simberloff
The seminal work of Wilson & Simberloff (1969) on the
experimental defaunation of mangrove islands in the Florida Keys was the
first experimental validation of the ETIB, that predicted that
colonization and extinction on an island would balance out and reach a
dynamic equilibrium. The basic model underlying the theory can be
expressed as follows: $$ \frac{dS_s}{dt} =
c(S_P - S_s) - eS_s $$ where Ss is the number
of species present at a site, SP is the number
of species in the regional pool, and c and e are colonization and extinction
rates respectively. This model states that the temporal variation in the
number of species in a site over time is equal to the total rate of
arrival of species from the pool that are not already at the site minus
the total rate of species loss from the site. The equation can be easily
solved for a single species and we can compute the probability of a
species being present or absent at any time (see Alonso et al.
2015). With these probabilities we can construct a matrix of transition
probabilities for the associated Markov model: where T01 is the probability of
extinction, T10 the
probability of colonization, T11 of repeated presence
and T00 of repeated
absence. Two key assumptions, the assumption of species
equivalence (the same parameters apply for a group of species), and
the assumption of species independence (the presence of other
species does not affect the dynamics of a focal species), allow to
generalize this Markov process to groups of species or even communities.
We can therefore calculate the likelihood of a given data set under the
colonization-extinction model with the following expression for a
regular sampling scheme given specific colonization and extinction
rates, c and e: where N00 is the number of
events of repeated absence, N10 events of
colonization, N01
events of extinction and N11 events of repeated
presence. In the case of an irregular sampling scheme we need to
calculate the transition probabilities and the matching likelihood for
each transition.
As an example, imagine that we have sampled arthropods on an island for
three seasons and we have the following data:
Sp. | 1 | 2 | 3 |
A | 0 | 0 | 1 |
B | 0 | 1 | 1 |
C | 1 | 1 | 1 |
D | 0 | 0 | 0 |
E | 0 | 1 | 0 |
F | 0 | 0 | 0 |
G | 1 | 0 | 0 |
H | 0 | 0 | 0 |
I | 1 | 1 | 0 |
J | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Here we can see that between samples 1 and 2 we have N01 = 1 (G), N11 = 2 (C, I), N00 = 5 (A, D, F, H, J), and N10 = 2 (B, E); we can similarly calculate transitions between samples 2 and 3. Assuming we already know the true value of transition probabilities (T01 = 0.4, T11 = 0.6, T00 = 0.7 and T10 = 0.3), we can easily calculate the likelihood of the observed dataframe above as:
0.4^3 * 0.6^4 * 0.7^10 * 0.3^3
#> [1] 6.325999e-06
# This is a pretty small likelihood. We can easily transform this likelihood into log-likelihood.
3 * log(0.4) + 4 * log(0.6) + 10 * log(0.7) + 3 * log(0.3)
#> [1] -11.97084
# This is the log-likelihood associated with the given set of transition probabilities. Notice that we obtain the same value with both approaches.
log(0.4^3 * 0.6^4 * 0.7^10 * 0.3^3)
#> [1] -11.97084
The method above allows us to calculate the likelihood of our data set from known transition probabilities. However, say that we do not know the transition probabilities and want to estimate them. We can do this easily with the following code:
c_and_e <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = df, vector = 2:4)
#> c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 0.3769053 NA NA 0.699967 NA NA 10 11.80301
This gives us the rates c
and e, but where are the
transition probabilities? We obtain them with the function
The equations T11 = 1 − T01 and T00 = 1 − T10 will give us a complete set of transition probabilities estimated from the data.
There are two main differences between transition probabilities and rates. First, transition probabilities are dimensionless numbers, while rates have dimensions of time−1. Second, with rates we can directly estimate the transition probabilities for any time interval, while transition probabilities are associated with a specific time interval, so if we have T10 = 0.6 for a specific time interval and we need the transition probability for twice that interval T10′ ≠ 2 × 0.6 but if a colonization rate per week is c = 0.6 week−1 the colonization rate after 2 weeks would be c′ = 2 weeks × 0.6 week−1 = 1.2. This property allows us to work with irregular sampling schemes —much more common in ecology than regular ones— naturally, simply using a pair of colonization and extinction rates.
The ideal scenario for ecological studies is one in which we sample
our subject of study (say the community of fishes on an coral reef)
regularly and frequently enough to observe changes in the community.
Even though this is rare in ecology, this facilitates the estimation of
rates and is less computationally intense. The estimation of rates for
these regular sampling schemes has an analytically exact expression,
while for irregular sampling schemes we need to rely on heuristic
methods or numerical solvers (see section Irregular Sampling
Throughout this section, we will use data(alonso15)
, a data
set of three lists that have information on presence-absence of the
community of coral reef fish communities in atolls in the Lakshadweep
Archipelago (India). We will use data only from one of the atolls,
Kadmat. The table below is an extract of the data:
Species | Trophic.Level | Kd.2000 | Kd.2001 | Kd.2002 | Kd.2003 | Kd.2010 | Kd.2011 | Guild |
Acanthurus auranticavus | NA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus leucosternon | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus lineatus | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus nigrofuscus | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus triostegus | 2,78 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
Acanthurus xanthopterus | 2,87 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Algal Feeder |
We have several columns of data. The first column of the data.frame lists the species studied, while the second, its associated trophic level. The third to the eighth columns contain presence-absence data of temporal samples collected in consecutive years between 2000 to 2003 and once again in 2010-2011. Finally, the last column has data on the guild of the species studied. For example, the third entry in the data.frame has data for Acanthurus lineatus, an algal feeder present in all the years studied.
From here, we can start estimating colonization and extinction rates
for the entire community using the function
. First, we have to specify a single
data.frame in the function using argument x =
and the name
of our data.frame. Next, we need to tell the function in which columns
the presence-absence data located with the argument
vector =
, in this case, columns 3 to 6. We will not use the
data from 2010 and 2011. So let’s estimate the colonization and
extinction rates:
rates <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = df, vector = 3:6)
#> c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 0.6034534 NA NA 0.3505777 NA NA 156 276.576
As we can see the colonization rate is c = 0.603 and the
extinction rate e = 0.351. In addition, the output of the
function tells us that we have examined 156 species and that the
Negative Log-Likelihood of this model is NLL = 276.576.
What if we want to know the rates for each guild? We just have to add to
the call the argument level
, as in
level = "Guild"
, indicating the name of the column that
divides the data into groups, and n
, as in
n = 5
indicating the minimum number of species that a group
needs in order to estimate its rates.
rates_g <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = df, vector = 3:6, level = "Guild", n = 5)
#> Group c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 Algal Feeder 0.7685355 NA NA 0.16302269 NA NA 30 38.95667
#> 2 Corallivore 0.4427195 NA NA 0.39352848 NA NA 20 35.72338
#> 3 Macroinvertivore 1.0151676 NA NA 0.56465265 NA NA 41 78.09438
#> 4 Microinvertivore 0.4960388 NA NA 0.51204007 NA NA 21 39.36755
#> 5 Omnivore 0.5090504 NA NA 0.40724033 NA NA 9 16.33690
#> 6 Piscivore 0.5263375 NA NA 0.60002472 NA NA 21 40.03434
#> 7 Zooplanktivore 0.5124767 NA NA 0.09189237 NA NA 14 15.93931
This calculates the colonization and extinction rates for each guild separately, e.g. corallivores or piscivores, as well as the number of species in each guild and the negative log-likelihood associated with these rates and data.
The estimates of colonization and extinction rates can not be
regarded as fixed values, but have an associated uncertainty due, at
least in part, to the amount of data we use to calculate the estimates.
In interpreting these results we recommend to calculate confidence
intervals for the rates we have just estimated. Confidence intervals can
be calculated using function regular_sampling_scheme
the argument CI = T
. This option provides confidence
intervals whose limits have a difference in log-likelihood of 1.96 units
around the estimator.
We employ two separate methods to estimate confidence intervals: a
sequential method, which is computationally expensive, and a binary
search seeded with the Hessian of the likelihood function. The rationale
of the sequential method is the following: we start from one of the
parameters, say c, and we sequentially add a small amount
to the parameter, obtaining the log-likelihood of the
new value of the parameter, c’, until the difference in
log-likelihood between c and c’ climbs above 1.96.
This gives us the upper boundary of c. The lower boundary is
calculated similarly, but with sequential subtraction. This is a
straightforward method, but it has to balance computational time and
accuracy with the size of the interval step
The alternative method uses the Hessian of the likelihood function as a
seed for a binary search to determine the intervals. After some algebra,
the Hessian provides an asymptotic estimator of the confidence interval,
thus being a good starting point to look for the actual interval. The
method works by calculating the likelihood of this asymptotic estimator
and expanding the search (if the difference with our estimate is less
than 1.96) or narrowing it (if it is greater than 1.96). This method
typically finds the confidence interval in about 10 steps, and is
significantly less computationally intense than the sequential method.
However, in some cases, the value of the Hessian reduces almost to zero
or produces a non-invertible matrix. In these cases, we recommend using
argument step
Coming back to our example, we can calculate confidence intervals either
for the entire community or for each studied guilds:
rates2a <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = df, vector = 3:6, CI = T)
#> c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 0.6034534 0.7527623 0.4763309 0.3505777 0.4483115 0.2686129 156 276.576
# Sequential method
rates2b <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = df, vector = 3:6, level = "Guild", n = 1, step = 0.005, CI = T)
Group | c | c_up | c_low | e | e_up | e_low | N | NLL |
Algal Feeder | 0.7685355 | 1.3135355 | 0.4035355 | 0.1630227 | 0.3230227 | 0.0680227 | 30 | 38.95667 |
Corallivore | 0.4427195 | 0.8127195 | 0.2077195 | 0.3935285 | 0.7485285 | 0.1735285 | 20 | 35.72338 |
Macroinvertivore | 1.0151676 | 1.5001676 | 0.6601676 | 0.5646527 | 0.8546527 | 0.3496527 | 41 | 78.09438 |
Microinvertivore | 0.4960388 | 0.8910388 | 0.2410388 | 0.5120401 | 0.9170401 | 0.2520401 | 21 | 39.36755 |
Omnivore | 0.5090504 | 1.2240504 | 0.1540504 | 0.4072403 | 0.9772403 | 0.1222403 | 9 | 16.33690 |
Piscivore | 0.5263375 | 0.9063375 | 0.2763375 | 0.6000247 | 1.1000247 | 0.2850247 | 21 | 40.03434 |
Zooplanktivore | 0.5124767 | 1.1274767 | 0.1774767 | 0.0918924 | 0.2918924 | 0.0118924 | 14 | 15.93931 |
# Hessian-based method
rates2c <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = df, vector = 3:6, level = "Guild", n = 1, CI = T)
Group | c | c_up | c_low | e | e_up | e_low | N | NLL |
Algal Feeder | 0.7685355 | 1.3122641 | 0.4078379 | 0.1630227 | 0.3195759 | 0.0690967 | 30 | 38.95667 |
Corallivore | 0.4427195 | 0.8123286 | 0.2101798 | 0.3935285 | 0.7439781 | 0.1778156 | 20 | 35.72338 |
Macroinvertivore | 1.0151676 | 1.4990009 | 0.6626292 | 0.5646527 | 0.8532916 | 0.3539581 | 41 | 78.09438 |
Microinvertivore | 0.4960388 | 0.8864932 | 0.2458565 | 0.5120401 | 0.9149993 | 0.2538674 | 21 | 39.36755 |
Omnivore | 0.5090504 | 1.2212077 | 0.1557325 | 0.4072403 | 0.9772242 | 0.1240222 | 9 | 16.33690 |
Piscivore | 0.5263375 | 0.9051379 | 0.2774242 | 0.6000247 | 1.0951876 | 0.2879977 | 21 | 40.03434 |
Zooplanktivore | 0.5124767 | 1.1233754 | 0.1808364 | 0.0918924 | 0.2884887 | 0.0148875 | 14 | 15.93931 |
As we can see, when the number of species in a group is low, uncertainty increases and expands the confidence intervals. In addition, the differences between the two methods are negligible in their output, except for the computational time needed.
A likelihood profile is a simple way to bound the confidence interval
of a parameter. Our sequential procedure is clearly based on likelihood
profiles, and we will illustrate it using the function
, that calculates the NLL of a model given its
parameters. There are equivalent functions, NLL_isd
and NLL_env
that produce the
equivalent output with different sampling schemes or environmental
influences on the parameters.
Next, for our case study, we will calculate the likelihood profile for
colonization in Kadmat atoll. Function NLL_rss
needs a
dataframe x
, a vector
with the number of the
columns to analyze, and given c
and e
The procedure iteratively calculates the likelihood of the parameter
given the data around the estimated value. The shape of the likelihood
profile gives us an indication on how peaked around the maximum our
likelihood functions are.
#> c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 0.6034534 NA NA 0.3505777 NA NA 156 276.576
seqs <-, 200, by = 5) / 100
NLLs <- NLL_rss(x = df, vector = 3:6, c = seqs * rates$c, e = rates$e)
plot(seqs * rates$c, NLLs, type = "l", xlab = "Colonization rate (year⁻¹)", ylab = "Negative Log-Likelihood", main = "Likelihood profile")
points(rates$c, rates$NLL, pch = 4, col = "magenta")
Likelihood profile for the colonization rate in Kadmat atoll. The cross in magenta indicates the m.l.e. for the rate.
Model selection identifies the best model that fits a given data set.
In this package we propose the use of the Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) and the associated measure of weight of
evidence to choose the model that best fits the data and compares
it against several alternative models. The functions in package
provide Negative Log-Likelihoods (NLLs) that can
easily be transformed to AIC with functions akaikeic
. We can then calculate the
for each competing model that
potentially explains our observations. As a reminder, AICs are only
comparable when we try to explain the same data with different models,
because it makes no sense comparing the AIC of two different data sets
with the same model, since the data is different in both cases.
Let us compare two competing models that try to explain the same data.
We will use the data for Kadmat once again, to check if the model that
treats each guild’s dynamics separately better explains the data than
the model that works with a single colonization and extinction pair of
rates for the entire assemblage. For this, we will extract the NLL of
both models, calculate their AIC using function akaikeic
and compare the results with function
guild_NLL <- sum(rates2c$NLL)
#> [1] 264.4525
comm_NLL <- rates$NLL
#> [1] 276.576
aic_g <- akaikeic(NLL = guild_NLL, k = 14)
aic_c <- akaikeic(NLL = comm_NLL, k = 2)
#> [1] 556.905
#> [1] 557.1519
ms_kadmat <- data.frame(Model = c("Guilds", "Community"), AIC = c(aic_g, aic_c))
weight_of_evidence(data = ms_kadmat)
#> Model IncAIC w
#> 1 Guilds 0.000000 0.5308212
#> 2 Community 0.246883 0.4691788
The output indicates that the log-likelihood of the model with
different dynamics for each guild is over 12 points better than the
model with a single dynamic group, which means that considering the
guilds separately better explains the data than lumping together all
guilds in a single group. However, the “guilds” model has 14 parameters
while the “community” model has only 2. It is unsurprising that the more
parameters the model has, the better it explains the data. For this
reason, we calculate the AIC of each model using function
, that, to preserve parsimony, accounts for the
number of parameters with the argument k
. AIC values
suggest that the “guilds” model is only marginally better than the
“community” model, with a difference of 0.25. This is a tiny difference,
and we cannot conclusively say that one of the models has more support
than the other. This analysis is backed by the function
, that provides a measure of the support
that each of the competing models has. We found that the “guilds” model
has a weight of evidence of 53% while the “community” model is 47% and,
as already noted, we cannot conclude that any model is significantly
better. We will explore this dataset in some more detail in the section
A short example.
The package island
allows to simulate ecological data
driven by colonization and extinction dynamics. Functions
and PA_simulation
allow us to
generate species richness or presence-absence data from an initial
vector of presence-absence for specific transition probabilities that
can vary between different simulated transitions. As an example, we will
simulate the temporal evolution in richness for Kadmat atoll.
### First, take a look at the rates for Kadmat
tp <- cetotrans(c = rates$c, e = rates$e)
sim_1 <- PA_simulation(x = df, column = 3, transitions = tp, times = 11)
#> [1] 88 88 100 106 100 103 98 97 102 99 101
sims <- data_generation(x = df, column = 3, transitions = tp, iter = 999, times = 11)
sims[, 1]
#> [1] 85 98 91 97 102 97 92 93 96 100 102
ic <- apply(X = sims, MARGIN = 1, FUN = quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
#> 2.5% 80 83.95 85 86 87 86 87 87 87 87 86
#> 97.5% 102 107.00 109 109 109 110 109 109 110 109 110
#> c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 0.6034534 NA NA 0.3505777 NA NA 156 276.576
Temporal evolution in Kadmat atoll. The points connected with lines indicate the observed species richness, while the red dashed line indicates the 95% distribution of simulations. The dotted black line corresponds to one stochastic simulation of the colonization and extinction dynamics on the atoll.
In the simulation above, we use colonization and extinction rates
estimated with the first 4 samples to simulate community dynamics from
2000 to 2011. We can use this to evaluate how reliably our parameter
estimates of colonization-extinction dynamics fit observed data. The
plot above shows the actual observations, the result of a simulation (as
a black dotted line) and the 95% distribution of the simulations of the
dynamics (the area enclosed within the two red dashed lines). The actual
data falls well within the boundaries delimited by the simulation except
for the last sample.
Finally, we will estimate goodness-of-fit calculating model R^2. Any
estimation of R^2 requires a null model to compare with. R^2 measures
how well our model performs in relation to a null model of choice. As a
null model, here we assume that at any given time we can have a number
of species present from 0 to SP, the number
of species in the pool, which is drawn from a uniform probability
distribution. In order to estimate goodness-of-fit, we use the function
, which requires us to specify the
species richness, simulated
richness and the number of species in the pool sp
simulated <- apply(sims, 1, quantile, 0.5)
#> [1] 91 96 97 98 99 98 99 98 98 99 99
simulated <- simulated[c(1:3, 10, 11)]
observed <- colSums(df[, 3:8])
#> Kd.2000 Kd.2001 Kd.2002 Kd.2003 Kd.2010 Kd.2011
#> 79 91 100 95 103 120
# We skip the first observation since we have to use it as the starting point of the simulations.
observed <- observed[-1]
r_squared(observed = observed, simulated = simulated, sp = 156)
#> R-Squared
#> 0.9651524
The output indicates that we have a good fit compared to our null
model. However, changes in the null model would lead to different
estimates of R². For this reason, we also include function
that produces the quadratic error of a
model given some data. We can estimate a new R² using a different null
model and estimating its error with the previous function using the
equation below: $$ R^2 = 1 -
\frac{\epsilon^2}{\epsilon^2 _0 }$$
Given the complexities and challenges inherent to collecting
real-world ecological data, temporal monitoring is often patchy, making
irregular sampling schemes common in ecology. Data typically includes
one or even several data sets with different sampling schemes. To
accommodate the messiness of real-world data, ‘island’ has two functions
. Irregular sampling schemes
force to alter the way in which we calculate colonization and extinction
rates, precluding the use of the algebraic (exact) method for estimating
rates. We can still calculate the likelihood of the dynamic model using
two methods with different approaches: a heuristic method and a
semianalytical method.
The heuristic or semianalytical approaches of
calculating rates are implemented in functions
, and we can switch between
approaches using the argument jacobian
The heuristic method uses R’s built-in optimization routine,
, to obtain estimates for the colonization and
extinction rates. The function optim
uses an implementation
of the Nelder-Mead algorithm to find the optimum of the likelihood
function. However, heuristic methods do not guarantee finding
the global optima of the objective function, and they do not have a
mechanism to evaluate how good the optima are for the selected
In contrast, the semianalytical method guarantees that the
optima calculated is a root of the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of
the likelihood function when the algorithm converges. In this package,
we call routine multiroot
from package
in order to find the semianalytical optimum value
for our likelihood function.
Even though we encourage the use of the Jacobian-based method, it may
not always converge. The function will notify possible problems, and we
recommend using the heuristic method if difficulties are encountered.
One way to find good initial values for the Jacobian-based method is to
use the estimates of the heuristic method as a starting point.
The function that deals with an irregular sampling scheme in a single
data set is called irregular_single_dataset
. An example,
partially shown below (some samples have been skipped) and similar to
the one reproduced earlier, is data of island ST2 in
Taxa | PRE | 21 | 40 | 59 | 231 | 250 | 322 | Tax. Unit 1 | Tax. Unit 2 | Genera | Island |
Diradius caribbeana | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Embioptera | Teratembiidae | Diradius | ST2 |
Latiblattella n. sp. | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Orthoptera | Blattidae | Latiblattella | ST2 |
Cycloptilum sp. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Orthoptera | Gryllidae | Cycloptilum | ST2 |
Cyrtoxipha sp. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Orthoptera | Gryllidae | Cyrtoxipha | ST2 |
Tafalisca lurida | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Orthoptera | Gryllidae | Tafalisca | ST2 |
Kalotermes joutelli | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Isoptera | Kalotermitidae | Kalotermes | ST2 |
Functions irregular_single_dataset
as well as
reproduce all the
functionalities of regular_sampling_schemes
. Please note
that irregular_single_dataset
requires numbers for the
names of the columns with presence-absence data. The only other
difference with the function for the regular sampling schemes is that we
need to enter priors for c and e, our colonization and
extinction rates, using arguments c =
e =
Below we illustrate the use of this function with the data for island
ST2 of data set simberloff
. This data set was published by
Simberloff and Wilson (1969). We start by estimating colonization and
extinction rates for the whole island.
st2 <- simberloff[[6]]
# Before we begin, it is useful to look at the data for obvious errors.
#> Taxa PRE 21 40 59 77 94 113 134 149 171 191 211 231 250 322
#> 1 Diradius caribbeana 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
#> 2 Latiblattella n. sp. 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> 3 Cycloptilum sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
#> 4 Cyrtoxipha sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 5 Tafalisca lurida 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> 6 Kalotermes joutelli 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Tax. Unit 1 Tax. Unit 2 Genera Island
#> 1 Embioptera Teratembiidae Diradius ST2
#> 2 Orthoptera Blattidae Latiblattella ST2
#> 3 Orthoptera Gryllidae Cycloptilum ST2
#> 4 Orthoptera Gryllidae Cyrtoxipha ST2
#> 5 Orthoptera Gryllidae Tafalisca ST2
#> 6 Isoptera Kalotermitidae Kalotermes ST2
# Presence-absence data is in columns 3 to 16.
rates.st2 <- irregular_single_dataset(dataframe = st2, vector = 3:16, c = 0.001, e = 0.001, assembly = T, jacobian = T)
#> c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 0.00670301 NA NA 0.0127161 NA NA 80 457.6403
# We will now estimate rates for different groups in "Tax. Unit 1" with more than 5 species.
rates.groups <- irregular_single_dataset(dataframe = st2, vector = 3:16, c = 0.001, e = 0.001, column = "Tax. Unit 1", n = 5, assembly = T, jacobian = T)
#> Group c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 Acarina 0.004820490 NA NA 0.008007749 NA NA 8 35.63007
#> 2 Araneae 0.008426681 NA NA 0.017747947 NA NA 11 70.27852
#> 3 Coleoptera 0.006089566 NA NA 0.014810771 NA NA 8 43.01984
#> 4 Hymenoptera 0.007776273 NA NA 0.010184661 NA NA 20 122.89718
#> 5 Lepidoptera 0.007806117 NA NA 0.012146876 NA NA 8 49.23273
#> 6 Psocoptera 0.008107215 NA NA 0.017269065 NA NA 5 30.16782
# Plotting the results.
plot(rates.groups[, 2], rates.groups[, 5], xlab = "Colonization rate (day⁻¹)", ylab = "Extinction rate (day⁻¹)", main = "ST2")
points(rates.st2[, 1], rates.st2[, 4], pch = 4)
loc <- list(x = c(0.004902829, 0.008421634, 0.006021524, 0.007679227, 0.007892796, 0.008025005, 0.006692741), y = c(0.008578302, 0.017145964, 0.014431104, 0.009668973, 0.011560750, 0.016878929, 0.011553715))
text(loc, c(substr(rates.groups[, 1], 1, 3), "Whole \ncommunity"))
Colonization and extinction rates for the whole invertebrate community or selected taxonomic groups in island ST2.
We can also produce transition probabilities for different time
intervals and simulate these time intervals, allowing a more efficient
use of processor time and memory. Functions cetotrans
are optimized to use with irregular time
intervals. In the case of function cetotrans
, arguments
, e
and dt
must be vectors of
the same length, while for function data_generation
arguments transitions
and times
should have
the same number of rows and the same value, respectively. We simulate
colonization and extinction dynamics for island ST2 300 times, and we
observe that species richness reaches a steady-state after a while.
dts <- as.numeric(colnames(st2)[4:16]) - as.numeric(colnames(st2)[3:15])
dts <- c(21, dts)
tps <- cetotrans(c = rep(rates.st2[[1]], length(dts)), e = rep(rates.st2[[4]], length(dts)), dt = dts)
#> T01 T10
#> [1,] 0.2192933 0.11559563
#> [2,] 0.2020453 0.10650373
#> [3,] 0.2020453 0.10650373
#> [4,] 0.1931669 0.10182363
#> [5,] 0.1841143 0.09705176
#> [6,] 0.2020453 0.10650373
#> [7,] 0.2192933 0.11559563
#> [8,] 0.1654731 0.08722548
#> [9,] 0.2276694 0.12001087
#> [10,] 0.2107531 0.11109382
#> [11,] 0.2107531 0.11109382
#> [12,] 0.2107531 0.11109382
#> [13,] 0.2020453 0.10650373
#> [14,] 0.4930516 0.25990123
sims <- data_generation(x = matrix(0, 80, 1), column = 1, transitions = tps, iter = 300, times = length(dts))
ic <- apply(sims, 1, quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
#> 2.5% 4 8.000 11 14.000 15 18.000 17 18 18 19.000 19 20
#> 97.5% 15 21.525 25 29.525 31 33.525 35 35 36 35.525 35 36
#> [,13] [,14]
#> 2.5% 19 20
#> 97.5% 36 37
med.st2 <- apply(sims, 1, median)
days <- c(0, colnames(st2)[3:16])
plot(days, c(0, colSums(st2[, 3:16])), ylim = c(0, 40), xlab = "Days since defaunation", ylab = "Species richness", main = "ST2", type = "b")
lines(days, c(0, med.st2), col = "green", lty = 2)
lines(days, c(0, ic[1, ]), col = "magenta", lty = 3)
lines(days, c(0, ic[2, ]), col = "magenta", lty = 3)
Temporal evolution on island ST2. The points connected with lines indicate the observed species richness, while the red dashed line indicates the 95% of the distribution of simulations, and the green dashed line the median richness for 300 simulations.
Sampling schemes for similar communities can be very different due to
multiple reasons usually associated to the challenges of ecological
research. The function irregular_multiple_datasets
us to use data from different sampling schemes and estimate joint
parameters for these data sets. In order to use these data sets, they
need to comply with the general structure for irregular sampling schemes
and they should be combined in a list. The argument list
will collate the data sets we want to study jointly and the argument
must contain the vectors (ordered in time) that
indicate where the presence-absence data is located. The remaining
arguments work as discussed in earlier sections. Next we estimate
colonization and extinction rates for each island and each taxonomic
group in the whole dataset simberloff
rates.simberloff <- irregular_multiple_datasets(list = simberloff, vectorlist = list(3:17, 3:18, 3:17, 3:19, 3:17, 3:16), c = 0.001, e = 0.001, jacobian = T)
rates.islands <- irregular_multiple_datasets(list = simberloff, vectorlist = list(3:17, 3:18, 3:17, 3:19, 3:17, 3:16), c = 0.001, e = 0.001, column = "Island", n = 5, jacobian = T)
rates.taxonomy <- irregular_multiple_datasets(list = simberloff, vectorlist = list(3:17, 3:18, 3:17, 3:19, 3:17, 3:16), c = 0.0001, e = 0.0001, column = "Tax. Unit 1", n = 20, jacobian = T)
#> c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 0.005102348 NA NA 0.01175197 NA NA 549 2938.645
#> Group c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 E1 0.003849172 NA NA 0.008577194 NA NA 54 226.9079
#> 2 E2 0.005353969 NA NA 0.013019739 NA NA 119 654.2403
#> 3 E3 0.005637932 NA NA 0.011374938 NA NA 92 486.9761
#> 4 E7 0.004133691 NA NA 0.011507033 NA NA 99 600.8253
#> 5 E9 0.005261473 NA NA 0.011595805 NA NA 105 526.3934
#> 6 ST2 0.006901374 NA NA 0.012774564 NA NA 80 433.5353
#> Group c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 Acarina 0.005007757 NA NA 0.010790814 NA NA 48 240.7149
#> 2 Araneae 0.005658833 NA NA 0.016369729 NA NA 85 488.8871
#> 3 Coleoptera 0.004985066 NA NA 0.011884045 NA NA 65 349.9689
#> 4 Hemiptera 0.006196764 NA NA 0.019892102 NA NA 34 185.8024
#> 5 Hymenoptera 0.004933051 NA NA 0.011527283 NA NA 131 689.1720
#> 6 Lepidoptera 0.005971425 NA NA 0.007636927 NA NA 44 241.2960
#> 7 Orthoptera 0.005429715 NA NA 0.005220060 NA NA 24 122.8997
#> 8 Psocoptera 0.005809177 NA NA 0.016437311 NA NA 46 267.1539
plot(rates.taxonomy[, 2], rates.taxonomy[, 5], xlim = c(.0034, .0074), ylim = c(.0025, .0225), pch = 20, main = "Simberloff dataset", xlab = "Colonization rate (day⁻¹)", ylab = "Extinction rate (day⁻¹)")
points(rates.islands[, 2], rates.islands[, 5], pch = 4)
points(rates.simberloff[, 1], rates.simberloff[, 4], pch = 3)
locs <- list(x = c(0.005136858, 0.003858476, 0.005435459, 0.005724728, 0.004026439, 0.005379471, 0.006919129, 0.005015552, 0.005594090, 0.004912908, 0.006303266, 0.004722939, 0.006069984, 0.005435459, 0.005892691), y = c(0.01074532, 0.007403081, 0.014011605, 0.010289563, 0.012644324, 0.010593403, 0.011353003, 0.009985722, 0.017429807, 0.012872204, 0.018645168, 0.011201083, 0.006415600, 0.004212758, 0.015454846))
text(locs, c("TIB", as.character(rates.islands$Group), substr(rates.taxonomy[, 1], 1, 3)),
col = c("black", rep("magenta", 6), rep("green", 8)))
Colonization and extinction rates for the data from Simberloff (1969) on experimental island zoogeography. In green, some of the groups studied, in magenta the different islands.
The rates obtained indicate differences among islands, specially in colonization, while the different taxonomic groups show different rates.
In this section, we will reproduce, step-by-step, some of the results
presented in the article by Alonso et al. (2015), on the
recolonization process of a coral reef fish community in the Lakshadweep
Archipelago after a coral mass mortality event. This article shows that
higher trophic guilds suffer increased rates of extinction even in the
absence of targeted fishing.
The article estimated colonization and extinction rates for 4 competing
models to explain the dynamics of the coral fish community, performed
model selection among those models and simulated the dynamics of
different trophic guilds in each island. The four models were: A, the
different guilds in the three sampled islands behaved as a single
community; B, each island had a different dynamics; C, each guild had a
different dynamics, but did not vary between islands; and D, each guild
had a different dynamics in each island. Below, we reproduce part of
Table 1 of the article, showing the model selection procedure, Figure 3,
showing the transition probabilities found by the best model, and a plot
for the temporal evolution of corallivorous fishes in Agatti atoll,
included in the original article in Figure 2.
head(alonso15[[2]]) # Examine the data
#> Species Trophic.Level Kd.2000 Kd.2001 Kd.2002 Kd.2003 Kd.2010
#> 1 Acanthurus auranticavus <NA> 1 1 1 1 1
#> 2 Acanthurus leucosternon 2 1 1 1 1 1
#> 3 Acanthurus lineatus 2 1 1 1 1 1
#> 4 Acanthurus nigrofuscus 2 1 1 1 1 1
#> 5 Acanthurus triostegus 2,78 1 1 1 1 1
#> 6 Acanthurus xanthopterus 2,87 0 0 0 1 1
#> Kd.2011 Guild
#> 1 1 Algal Feeder
#> 2 1 Algal Feeder
#> 3 1 Algal Feeder
#> 4 1 Algal Feeder
#> 5 1 Algal Feeder
#> 6 1 Algal Feeder
# To begin, we calculate rates for each island (model B), and for each group in each island (model D).
rates.aga <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = alonso15[[1]], vector = 3:6)
rates.kad <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = alonso15[[2]], vector = 3:6)
rates.kav <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = alonso15[[3]], vector = 3:5)
ModelB <- rates.aga$NLL + rates.kad$NLL + rates.kav$NLL
rates.aga.guild <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = alonso15[[1]], vector = 3:6, level = "Guild", n = 1)
rates.kad.guild <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = alonso15[[2]], vector = 3:6, level = "Guild", n = 1)
rates.kav.guild <- regular_sampling_scheme(x = alonso15[[3]], vector = 3:5, level = "Guild", n = 1)
ModelD <- sum(rates.aga.guild$NLL) + sum(rates.kad.guild$NLL) + sum(rates.kav.guild$NLL)
# Next, we calculate rates using the function irregular_multiple_datasets. We need to first change the colnames of the columns with data.
colnames(alonso15[[1]])[3:6] <- 2000:2003
colnames(alonso15[[2]])[3:6] <- 2000:2003
colnames(alonso15[[3]])[3:5] <- 2001:2003
rates.lak <- irregular_multiple_datasets(list = alonso15, vectorlist = list(3:6, 3:6, 3:5), c = 0.1, e = 0.1, jacobian = T, CI = T)
rates.guild <- irregular_multiple_datasets(list = alonso15, vectorlist = list(3:6, 3:6, 3:5), c = 0.1, e = 0.1, jacobian = T, column = "Guild", n = 1, CI = T)
# We can now follow the model selection procedure used in the article.
ModelA <- rates.lak$NLL
ModelC <- sum(rates.guild$NLL)
NLL <- c(ModelA, ModelB, ModelC, ModelD)
#> [1] 742.3037 741.1601 725.4704 710.7865
Parameters <- c(2, 6, 14, 42)
N <- rep(1248, 4)
AIC <- akaikeic(NLL = NLL, k = Parameters)
AICc <- akaikeicc(NLL = NLL, k = Parameters, n = 1248)
Table1 <- weight_of_evidence(data = data.frame(Model = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), AICc = AICc))
Table1 <- cbind(Table1, AIC, AICc, NLL, Parameters, N)
Model | IncAIC | w | AIC | AICc | NLL | Parameters | N |
A | 9.335557 | 0.0093009 | 1488.607 | 1488.617 | 742.3037 | 2 | 1248 |
B | 15.106378 | 0.0005193 | 1494.320 | 1494.388 | 741.1601 | 6 | 1248 |
C | 0.000000 | 0.9901794 | 1478.941 | 1479.282 | 725.4704 | 14 | 1248 |
D | 29.289027 | 0.0000004 | 1505.573 | 1508.571 | 710.7865 | 42 | 1248 |
# The following steps are used to reproduce Figure 3 in Alonso *et al* (2015).
#> Group c c_up c_low e e_up e_low
#> 1 Algal Feeder 0.6314581 0.8750604 0.4396526 0.1913754 0.2873993 0.1198905
#> 2 Corallivore 0.4505997 0.6573846 0.2938969 0.2743163 0.4345424 0.1598409
#> 3 Macroinvertivore 0.5286944 0.6873453 0.3977289 0.4329315 0.5721428 0.3191255
#> 4 Microinvertivore 0.4823432 0.6950086 0.3201004 0.5565499 0.8014445 0.3698255
#> 5 Omnivore 0.5107695 0.8562513 0.2773004 0.2907457 0.5674376 0.1238472
#> 6 Piscivore 0.6428574 0.8878366 0.4518301 0.6607665 0.9631957 0.4321006
#> 7 Zooplanktivore 0.7924913 1.1952252 0.4994883 0.2661351 0.4598341 0.1371437
#> N NLL
#> 1 90 116.33150
#> 2 60 89.39827
#> 3 123 201.79017
#> 4 63 105.29037
#> 5 27 41.50041
#> 6 63 110.06134
#> 7 42 61.09837
# transform rates into transition probabilities.
tps <- cetotrans(c = rates.guild$c, e = rates.guild$e)
plot(tps[, 2], tps[, 1], xlim = c(0, 0.7), ylim = c(0, 0.5), type = "n", xlab = "Colonization probability", ylab = "Extinction probability", main = "Lakshadweep guilds")
text(tps[, 2], tps[, 1], c("A", "C", "M", "m", "O", "P", "Z"))
text(0.07, 0.25, "Trophic level", srt = 90, col = "magenta")
arrows(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, code = 2, col = "green")
Colonization and extinction probabilities by guild within the coral reef fish community in the Lakshadweep Archipelago, India. Algal Feeders (A), Omnivores (O), Corallivores (C), Zooplanktivores (Z), Micro-invertivores (m), Macro-invertivores (M), and Piscivores (P).
#> Group c c_up c_low e e_up e_low N NLL
#> 1 Algal Feeder 0.5058664 NA NA 0.2360710 NA NA 30 49.00071
#> 2 Corallivore 0.5902927 NA NA 0.2459553 NA NA 20 33.70719
#> 3 Macroinvertivore 0.3438327 NA NA 0.3625524 NA NA 41 69.42637
#> 4 Microinvertivore 0.5865863 NA NA 0.7502420 NA NA 21 41.07112
#> 5 Omnivore 0.9037842 NA NA 0.2397795 NA NA 9 14.71404
#> 6 Piscivore 0.6161308 NA NA 0.7701635 NA NA 21 41.12469
#> 7 Zooplanktivore 0.8724753 NA NA 0.4800701 NA NA 14 26.87099
tps <- cetotrans(c = rates.aga.guild[2, 2], e = rates.aga.guild[2, 5])
cor.agatti <- alonso15[[1]][alonso15[[1]]$Guild == "Corallivore", ]
richness <- colSums(cor.agatti[, 3:8])
#> 2000 2001 2002 2003 A.2010 A.2011
#> 7 11 12 14 14 18
sims <- data_generation(x = cor.agatti, column = 3, transitions = tps, iter = 300, times = 11)
sims.ic <- apply(X = sims, MARGIN = 1, FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
plot(c(2000:2003, 2010, 2011), richness, type = "b", ylim = c(0, 21), col = "red", xlab = "Time (Year)", ylab = "Species", main = "Corallivore/AGATTI")
lines(c(2000:2011), c(7, sims.ic[1, ]), lty = 2)
lines(c(2000:2011), c(7, sims.ic[2, ]), lty = 2)
Temporal evolution of species richness of corallivores in Agatti atoll, according to model D. In red, the observed species richness, while the black dashed lines represent 95% of the distribution of 300 simulations with the estimated dynamics.
Apart from several biotic factors (e.g.. the presence of top
predators or the abundance of primary producers), the number of species
in a community can also be influenced by several abiotic factors (e.g..
temperature or rainfall) - referred to as environmental covariates. The
package island
includes functions
and rates_calculator
to analyze the influence of environmental covariates on the colonization
and extinction dynamics of ecological communities. The functions assume
a linear functional response for environmental covariates, $$ c_t = \alpha_0 + \sum_{i=1}^F \alpha_{i} Y_{it},
\quad e_t = \beta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^F \beta_{i} Y_{it},$$ where
Yit is
the value of the i-th
environmental covariate (i = 1, …, F) at time t, since it is the simplest way to
build this dependency into colonization and extinction rates.
We employ R expressions in these functions. An expression
is an R object, frequently a call, symbol or constant, that has to be
evaluated prior to its use. We have minimized the use of expressions to
make certain function calls easier to understand. However we make use of
them internally and provide function
that needs two expressions in
order to hone the results from all_environmental_fit
as well as developing custom
dependencies with environmental covariates that can be specified by
advanced users.
All three functions for environmental fit need a single argument
with the same structure as the one for irregular
schemes and an argument vector
indicating the columns
containing presence absence data. In addition, all three functions need
another data.frame
with related environmental covariates in
columns. The names of these columns have to be specified to functions
with the argument
. These two functions also need arguments
, e
and aic
, this is, tentative
values for colonization and extinction rates and a tentative AIC value
for the model. In practice, this AIC value should be chosen very large
(of the order of 10⁸ but this depends on the size of the data set). The
difference between all_environmental_fit
is that the latter employs a
greedy algorithm that sequentially adds environmental covariates, one at
a time, to the previously best set (using AIC), i. e., the algorithm
finds first the best environmental covariate and then the best
combination with two covariates including the previously selected, and
so forth until AIC does not justify the addition of new covariates. In
contrast all_environmental_fit
tries all combinations of
environmental variables, starting with the minimum number of
environmental covariates to the maximum. Since the number of
combinations rapidly becomes unmanageable, this method is not
recommended except when we have few environmental variables.
We illustrate the use of these functions using data(idaho)
This is a long-term time series of a mapped plant community in Dubois,
Idaho (USA). The plant community of a sagebrush steppe was mapped and
identified from 1923 to 1973, using permanent 1-m² quadrats, and
precipitation, mean temperature and snowfall were measured monthly (we
added the annual mean for each one). The data included in this package
is a sample of the full data set corresponding to several quadrats
surveyed from 1932 to 1955 with some gaps. The following code explores
the relation of this plant community with total annual precipitation and
mean monthly temperature.
df <- idaho[[1]]
env <- idaho[[2]]
# Examine the colnames.
#> [1] "quad" "species" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36"
#> [8] "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "45"
#> [15] "46" "47" "49" "50" "51" "52" "54"
#> [22] "55" "56"
#> [1] "YEAR" "JAN.ppt" "FEB.ppt" "MAR.ppt" "APR.ppt"
#> [6] "MAY.ppt" "JUN.ppt" "JUL.ppt" "AUG.ppt" "SEP.ppt"
#> [11] "OCT.ppt" "NOV.ppt" "DEC.ppt" "TOTAL.ppt" "JAN.temp"
#> [16] "FEB.temp" "MAR.temp" "APR.temp" "MAY.temp" "JUN.temp"
#> [21] "JUL.temp" "AUG.temp" "SEP.temp" "OCT.temp" "NOV.temp"
#> [26] "DEC.temp" "ANNUAL.temp" "JAN.snow" "FEB.snow" "MAR.snow"
#> [31] "APR.snow" "MAY.snow" "JUN.snow" "JUL.snow" "AUG.snow"
#> [36] "SEP.snow" "OCT.snow" "NOV.snow" "DEC.snow" "TOTAL.snow"
# Estimate the influence of temperature and precipitation on colonization and extinction dynamics. We first include the call to all_environmental_fit but we do not run it because of computation limits. We then use the greedy algorithm to find a good dependency.
envfit <- greedy_environmental_fit(dataset = df, vector = 3:23, env = c("env$TOTAL.ppt", "env$ANNUAL.temp"), c = 0.13, e = 0.19, aic = 100000)
#> $Colonization
#> expression(params[1] * env$TOTAL.ppt[i] + params[3])
#> $Extinction
#> expression(params[2] * env$ANNUAL.temp[i] + params[4])
#> $Results
#> $Results$par
#> [1] -0.00497925 -0.01729602 0.19006501 0.93486956
#> $Results$value
#> [1] -1874.859
#> $Results$counts
#> function gradient
#> 215 NA
#> $Results$convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $Results$message
all_environmental_fit(dataset = df, vector = 3:23, env = c("env$TOTAL.ppt", "env$ANNUAL.temp"), c = 0.13, e = 0.19, aic = 100000)
#> $Colonization
#> expression(params[1] * env$TOTAL.ppt[i] + params[3])
#> $Extinction
#> expression(params[2] * env$ANNUAL.temp[i] + params[4])
#> $Results
#> $Results$par
#> [1] -0.00497925 -0.01729602 0.19006501 0.93486956
#> $Results$value
#> [1] -1874.859
#> $Results$counts
#> function gradient
#> 215 NA
#> $Results$convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $Results$message
The greedy algorithm identified a model that included precipitation
in the expression for colonization and temperature in the expression for
extinction. The output of the function is a list that indicates that its
first component is the expression for the colonization, the second one
is the expression for the extinction, and the third one is the result of
the optimizer for these expressions; in this case, the output of the
function indicates that the colonization rate depends on precipitation
(with a coefficient of -0.00497925 and an intercept of 0.19006501), the
extinction rate depends on temperature (with a coefficient of
-0.01729602 and an intercept of 0.93486956), and it has a log-likelihood
of 1874.859 that was found after 215 calls to the corresponding
likelihood function. This result was backed by function
, that found the same dependency with
the environmental covariates.
We will now use the function custom_environmental_fit
demonstrate its use and improve the result we found earlier. Besides
arguments dataset
and vector
, this function
requires an argument params
that corresponds to the
parameters estimated for expressions c_expression
, for colonization and extinction. Next, we use
, that uses arguments params
and e_expression
as in the
previous function plus argument t
that indicates the number
of colonization and extinction rates needed. This function calculates
the actual rates at each time in order to be able to simulate the
dynamics of the colonization and extinction process resulting from these
parameters. Please note that these rates have dimensions of time⁻¹, so
when converting rates to transition probabilities we have to indicate
the interval of time between samples for each rate.
custom_environmental_fit(dataset = df, vector = 3:23, params = envfit$Results$par, c_expression = envfit$Colonization, e_expression = envfit$Extinction)
#> $par
#> [1] -0.004973345 -0.017281488 0.190021313 0.934197043
#> $value
#> [1] -1874.859
#> $counts
#> function gradient
#> 97 NA
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message
rates.env <- rates_calculator(params = envfit$Results$par, c_expression = envfit$Colonization, e_expression = envfit$Extinction, t = 21)
#> c e
#> [1,] 0.1398742 0.23293924
#> [2,] 0.1448036 0.19041984
#> [3,] 0.1491356 0.08866157
#> [4,] 0.1445547 0.18681650
#> [5,] 0.1462476 0.17917743
#> [6,] 0.1460484 0.21189574
dts <- as.numeric(colnames(df)[4:23]) - as.numeric(colnames(df)[3:22])
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
tps <- cetotrans(c = rates.env[-21, 1], e = rates.env[-21, 2], dt = dts)
sims <- data_generation(x = df, column = 3, transitions = tps, iter = 100, times = 20)
sims.ic <- apply(sims, 1, quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
med.ida <- apply(sims, 1, quantile, probs = .5)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> 2.5% 52.950 60.950 73.475 75.475 79.95 80.000 74.475 79 80.000 76.95
#> 97.5% 73.525 84.525 98.000 101.000 106.05 104.525 101.050 105 102.525 106.00
#> [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20]
#> 2.5% 74.475 70.000 71.475 75.425 75.95 75.00 72 71.00 74.475 73.00
#> 97.5% 100.575 94.525 97.000 101.525 104.05 99.05 98 100.05 106.525 100.05
days <- 1900 + as.numeric(colnames(df)[3:23])
plot(days, colSums(df[, 3:23]), type = "b", ylim = c(50, 115), pch = 4, ylab = "Accumulated species richness", xlab = "Year", main = "Sagebrush steppe Dubois, ID, USA")
lines(days, c(57, sims.ic[1, ]), col = "magenta", lty = 3)
lines(days, c(57, sims.ic[2, ]), col = "magenta", lty = 3)
lines(days, c(57, med.ida), col = "green", lty = 2)
Temporal evolution of species richness in a plant community. The points connected with lines indicate the observed species richness, while the red dashed line indicates the 95% of the distribution of simulations, and the green dashed line the median richness for 300 simulations.
This vignette comprehensively illustrates most of the functionality
of the package island
. This package allows the estimation
of colonization and extinction rates for whole communities or groups of
species under two basic assumptions: species independence and
species equivalence. It allows the user to employ typically
messy ecological monitoring data with a variety of sampling schemes. It
also enables explorations of the influence of environmental variables on
colonization and extinction rates, and helps identify the best model
explaining data using a model selection procedure. Finally, it simulates
the dynamics of estimated parameters for simple stochastic models of
island biogeography. For more details, take a look at the other
vignettes of the package.